Having the same issue. Just started today! I have the 2020 version.
Hi guys,
Please PM me the serial number of your Razer Blade laptops so I can validate its model and help you escalate your concern to the systems team for advanced resolution. Thanks!
I am having the exact same issue with the exact same model. Any luck?
After a month, here is my story.
Razer support provided lots of assistance with different versions of the Wi-Fi driver. None of these fixed the issue. After several tries, Razer suggested re-installing Windows through a recovery stick, which I have NOT performed because the timing for this type of task is not very good for me atm. So I decided to try this later and stick with my ethernet cable for a while.
Recently, the issue dissappeared same way as it appeared in the first place --overnight. I suspect the issuewas due to an automatic Windows update that conflicted with the Wi-Fi driver. In fact, two new Windows Updates had got installed in the morning the issue was solved, so I think this was the solution. Moreover, the same day, Intel released a driverupdate to this model’s Wi-Fi card, plus another to the Bluetooth a week later. (These I have not installed yet, since Wi-Fi is working fine now).
My suggestion is trying Windows Update and install all latest updates including optonals (I am not including the upgrade to Windows11, I am still on 10). And if that doesn’t work, trying installing the latest Intel’s drivers for Wi-Fi ( and Bluetooth ( If these don’t work either, then wait until Windows Update provides a fix. Now, because I suspect this problem has to do with a windows update conflict, I think re-installing windows through a recovery stick, or else a reset factory, or else reverting to a previous state of Windows through recovery menu, will probably also fix the issue, but I must warn everybody that I have not tried any of this.
Please note I am not a member of the support team nora technical professional either.Just a regular user. So don’t take my word for it :)
i contacted windows support they fixed this problem for me.
Awesome! May I ask how did you get in touch with them for this issue, please?
I think I log into windows account and found chat support option. They ask a few questions and fix it for me. Was on windows bug report list. Has not happened again.
FIX: There is a default setting in device manager/Network adapters which allowsthe computer to turn off your WiFi to save power. You need to uncheck this.
go to -
device manager, network adapters, right click Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz, select properties, Power Managment tab, and uncheck “Allow this computer to turn off this device to save power”, then select ok.
Next change your power plan setting(to something other what it is). Then dissconnect your charging cable and hold the power button to turn off device. When you start it up make sure the charger is still disconnected.
In my case, WiFiand Bluetooth didn’t work. I couldn’t turn “on” Wi-Fi button even though Wi-Fi driverexisted. Bluetooth menu didn’t show up, and driver was disappeared. I’d installed all up-to-date Windows stuff, and reinstalled WiFi driver but it didn’t work.
Anyway finally I got the answer, and It was “shift + shutdown”. It helps the laptop sleep totally. and then, turning on the power, WiFi and Bluetooth came to me in the end.
I think my WiFi and Bluetooth drivers werein abnormal condition - I don’t knowwhy, and “shift+shutdown” reboots those drivers clearly.
I just had the same issue and found this post. I saw the comments so I contacted windows support, they tried many things that didn't worked but it was worth attempting. Finally, they realize my Firmware was ourdated (2006).
So, I went into the website and found this post:https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9705
I look for my model and installed (in my case) both updates sequencially based on the dates and IT WORKED after the first update actually.
For those who don't know serial number / model should be underneath your laptop.
It took me a while to figure all this out but I hope it's going to be helpful in the future to whoever has the same issue.
Hope it helps