Five Nights at Freddy's: In Real Time is a Fan Game Mod of the original Five Nights at Freddy's, developed by Real Time Studios and Spawnpoint Interactive (of Fractured Franchise
Self explanatory from the title, the mod alters the gameplay loop by including a real-time system, as the animatronics will now roam around with proper animations, like the now infamous scene of Bonnie walking to the hall from Scott's first ever FNAF trailer.
Taking place in 2002 after the events of the original FNAF game set in 1993, Donavan Sheehan decides to take the role of night guard for the recently reopened Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to gain money and cope with the loss of his daughter. Unfortunately for him, the animatronics in the pizzeria behave quite differently from the original events, with someone very close to Donavan secretly awaiting him.
A sister game being made from the ground up, Five Nights At Freddys Movie In Real Time, is currently being developed.
An original FNAF inspired game developed by Taaryn, Piñata Puppy World, is also being developed.
The mod officially released on the 23rd of December after multiple delays, and can be found on GameJolt here.
Tropes in the Demos
- Fake-Out Opening: The Troll demo begins with a Retraux game of the original FNAF 1 in the same vein as Pizzeria Simulator before changing to the actual game.
- Self-Contained Demo: Three demos were made: The "Troll" Demo, inspired by the opening of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, acting as a glimpse of how the game will look like, a second demo, given to Dawko for his charity streams and being an actual first night demostration, and a third one made in celebration of the FNAFVortex
Charity Stream, being rather similar to the second demo but also including an additional night where it's possible to play the game for 6 real hours.
- Shout-Out: The Troll demo is one in reference of Scott own troll games. The main inspiration of the demo comes from Pizzeria Simulator, as that game also included a Retraux Fake-Out Opening before putting the player into the real game.
Tropes in the full version
- Adaptation Deviation:
- Gameplay wise, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy can now go to both doors alongside their regular ones, adding more challenge and more strategizing. This is especially seen on Night 3.
- To continue with the nights, the player haves to buy various things from the minimap side-game.
- Adaptation Expansion:
- This mod adds new non-canonical lore to the events of the first game by adding new dubbed cutscenes in-between the nights, on top of adding a brand new animatronic known as Brother. The game also acts as a unofficial Interquel between the first and third game.
- Should the power go out, you don't just have Freddy to worry about from the west door, but the other three main animatronics show up on both sides, ensuring you're surrounded during their song until either the night prematurely ends or you face a Jumpscare.
- The camera section has been updated to add new rooms normally unavailable in the original game, starting from Night 4.
- Anti-Frustration Feature: After everything necessary for continuing the game gets bought in the minimap, the player will no longer be haunted by the animatronics, allowing them to explore the map with no threat of getting a Game Over. This also happens once the player takes control of Michael Afton.
- Ascended Extra: Cupcake goes from a non-threatening secondary entity to an actual menace, as he can hijack cameras to change video feeds.
- The Bad Guy Wins: Donovan's fate is getting caught by William Afton after finishing Night 5 and trying to leave the building, later getting stuffed inside a suit called "Donavan Duck". To make things worse for poor Donavan, once he wakes up, he's disassembled by Bonnie and Chica under the request of Brother, though not without proclaiming that nobody will be getting away with what went on.
- Bring My Brown Pants: Enforced for a gag. After loading the game for the first time, the player is asked if they used the bathroom recently. If they say "no", Brother jumpscares them.
- The Cameo: Through the Challenge Night phone calls. YouTubers FusionZGamer, Chazington and 8BitRyan lent their voices to the phone calls of the first, second and fourth challenges respectively. The third caller even introduces himself as Hate-bit Ryan.
- Downer Beginning: The opening cutscene shows what became of Donovan, clueing players in that this game won't be getting a happy ending.
- Easter Egg:
- Sparky the Dog, Brother and Donavan Duck can sometimes appear in the cameras at rare chances, alongside jumpscaring the player during a power outage. These are more willing to happen when the player is doing Night 6, which makes every easter egg more likely to appear.
- During Night 5, a purple car can be seen parking in the main entrance camera as the night goes on. Sure enough, William Afton himself ambushes Donovan when he tries to leave after his last night, sealing his fate.
- After beating Night 7, Golden Freddy can be seen inside the kitchen, twitching and laughing.
- Fun with Acronyms: Donavan's second tape has him mention hiring a Fazbear Entertainment Employee Location Manager named "P. H. Naff", pronounced as initials as expected. Pronouncing it as a single word gives you "fuh-naff", the common pronunciation of the FNAF acronym.
- Interface Screw: After the full camera system gets unlocked, the animatronics will begin to directly target them. After a Jump Scare on the camera (with Chica's cupcake joining in at times), that video feed will be swapped with another random camera, forcing the player to pay attention to make sure they don't misplace that room's occupants.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: Bonnie's quote at the end of the first Commercial Time cutscene.
Chica: Come meet the whole gang!
Bonnie: And me!
- Point of No Return: After completing Night 7, the player is permanently locked into an abandoned version of the Pizzeria and is unable to go back to complete any unfinished challenges (including the 6 Hour Mode). Luckily, the player is warned this will happen before beginning the night.
- Present Day: After the Night 7 cutscene, the player on the minimap is now implied to be inside an abandoned version of the pizzeria set in the present day, with all the animatronics being taken away and left to rot (as stated by Brother), except Golden Freddy, who still remains inside the kitchen, still haunting the place. When entering any selectable night, the hour is formatted differently and days are shown alongside it, both utilizing the internal clock from the player computer. This version of the pizzeria minimap also contains the remains of Donavan after getting dismantled.
- Retraux: The minimap section puts the player in a retro-looking recreation of the pizzeria. Every animatronic also gains a unique jumpscare. The minigames focused around Brother and Donovan Duck also share this artstyle, with all three sharing the classic Atari artstyle from the original minigames.
- Shout-Out: The song sung by Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy during the power outage sequence is the ending part of Night 1, sung by Xander Mobus, AJ Pinkerton, Sarah Anne Williams, and David King, from Five Nights at Freddy's: The Musical.
- Spare Body Parts: Brother's body is made out of different animatronic body parts, likely the ones from the Parts and Service room, with a hand holding a paper plate for his face.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: After two nights of gameplay that build up the expectation that FNAFIRT's gameplay is simply a remastered version of the original, Night 3 starts with Phone Guy mentioning the original Foxy's Can't Move While Being Watched mechanic only for Foxy to immediately break that rule by completely ignoring the cameras and going for an extremely aggressive attack pattern. The other animatronics will also be inactive during this time, the Show Stage camera turning off to emphasize Foxy being the only threat. Halfway through the night, there's an hour when your tablet gets disabled and Foxy gets even more aggressive (as in, the moment you shut one door in his face, he's already at the other door trying to get in). Surviving all of that has the animatronics return to their normal patterns after 4 AM. The night also has a unique gimmick where closing both doors will automatically max out your power usage.
- Unwinnable by Design: After beating Night 7, every attempt of playing any night will result in the player being all alone inside the office, without any possibility to finish the night. To leave the office, the player is forced to get a power outage and get jumpscared.
Come play with Freddy, play the night away!
All Freddy's friends have come here to stay!
We'd love to sing our song with you,
It's our favourite thing to do,
As we love you through and through!